
The Society of St. Jerome

+ Translating the Good News for Our Contemporary Age +

Our Holy Father Jerome dedicated his life to prayer, the sacraments, the study of scripture, theological exposition, and spiritual formation in the hermitic tradition. The Society of St. Jerome is informed and inspired by the life and witness of this great saint as we seek to live this Hieronymitic charism in our contemporary age. Like St. Jerome, we strive to “translate” the Good News in ways that speak to our communities and our culture.

- The Rule of the Society of St. Jerome

The Call of the Community, The Call of the Desert

As members of the Society, we seek out the desert places that exist within and all around us. We are drawn to people that lay beyond the reach of other communities. We charge headlong into places that have gone arid due to neglect. We seek out those who have fled to the dry margins of our culture for safety and solace. We journey ceaselessly to and with those who cry out in thirst for the Water of Life. We follow St. Jerome into the desert just as we follow Christ to the margins, trusting that it is He who bids us “Come and follow me.”